Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Externally motivated?

In one of the hundreds of education courses I took, one of the classifications we discussed was whether students are externally vs. internally motivated. Applying those same criteria to myself as a writer, I find myself to be externally motivated -- and wish like hell I could figure out how to switch to the internal type.

For example, today I went to my post office box. There were two pieces of mail. One was a rejection, which would ordinarily bum me out and ruin my day, possibly my week. However, as rejections go, this one wasn't bad. In addition to its not being a form letter, it came from an agent I'd considered a real long-shot in lots of ways -- so I didn't go into too deep a funk. The second envelope contained a royalty check that was bigger than anticipated. My husband always tells me lowering expectations is a good way to avoid unhappiness, and I suppose this unexpected check is a case in point. It made my day.

Reviews can make or break my day. Sometimes even communication with one of my editors can do the same.

Question: For those of you who are internally motivated, how do you do it? How do you manage to not let the vicissitudes of the externals make you ecstatic or drive you nuts? Inquiring minds want to know...

This is a very interesting topic! I think I'm both internally and externally motivated, but honestly, it's hard to separate them in my mind. I've always been driven to succeed--people have always commented on how motivated I am--but I am also very conscious of what's happening outside of my own personal world. And competition has ALWAYS driven me as well..perhaps more than it should.

My characters tend to be extremely internally motivated--by their pasts, by what they want. And then when I plot I throw in an initial situation that sets the external motivation in place and it generally rolls from there.

;-) bella
Uh...well I am driven nuts. Fortunately my hubby tends to be a stablizing influence on me.

I haven't dealt with many rejections, mostly because I haven't been submitting stuff outside my comfort level. Which I know is a mistake as I will not grow beyond where I am that way.
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