Saturday, June 03, 2006

A really special evening out

I've been glued to my computer for days trying to get caught up after a week away at the Romantic Times convention, and I think my husband must have had enough of me telling him to go away. Tonight we went on a date, and it was wonderful. I wore jeans and boots and my leather jacket, stuck my hair into my helmet and climbed on the motorcycle behind Doug for a ride through the woods. We ended up at the little restaurant at the golf course in Cobb where we had a wonderful dinner and watched all the cute high school kids in their prom dresses and tuxedoes coming into the place for dinner before the dance. Dinner was wonderful, we talked and laughed and had such a great time, then we got back on the bike and took a long, slow ride through the woods, down Bottlerock Road and back through the vineyards around Loch Lomond before coming home. All in all, I was only away from the computer for about two hours, but when I came back into my office I realized that my entire perception had changed. I was remembering the changing scents as we rode through forests and meadows, thinking of the way the temperature dropped as we climbed higher into the mountains and how the light glistened off the glassy obsidian that lines Bottlerock Road. It's so easy to forget that we occasionally need to experience life in order to write about it. Tonight's little excursion reminded me of the importance of getting away from the computer and out into the world. When we come back to our desks, it's with a whole new palette of sensory colors for our books. How long has it been since you've recharged your batteries?

it's been quite awhile, but I'm hoping a visit from my parents this weekend will go a long way. there's something about having visitors that helps me remember all the cool things about where I live. Not to mention the break I'll get from Grandma hanging out with the little man! And I'm looking forward to a big recharge at the end of this month - we just booked a family vacation to Kauai, and hubby promised to give me the 3 or so hours a day i'll need to work. Which, after nearly 3 weeks of no writing and lots of baby time, will also be somewhat of a break!
I've been out on vacation quite a bit these past few weeks. ;-) And it's been such a good hting. I noticed last week that nearly everything I read/heard sparked a new story idea. It's been a while since I felt so tapped into the well, you know?
;-) Bella
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