Monday, January 16, 2006

the romance of a romance writer's life

Here I sit in my velvet robe, my long, slim cigarette hanging from my lucious, red lips, my newly manicured, blood-red finger tips typing my latest masterpiece, not a lustrous strand of hair out of place.


I fed my son breakfast--most of which he flung onto my pants--and then I took him for a walk--during which he fussed loudly and said, "Night Night,"--but then when I put him to bed he only slept a 1/2 hour--at which point I got him to end his screaming from the crib and wiped the poop from his butt--buckled him in the minivan and drove to the post office to mail off the bookmarks I'd promised reader's since late December (sorry!! i love you all!!)--finished writing twelve pages today--(hooray!!!)--and now I'm paying bills.

It's all good, of course, albeit the polar opposite of glamour. ;-) Tell me, how do you spend your oh-so-glamorous day?

;-) Bella Andre

Let's up at five, (with a 102 temp) made dh breakfast, finished line edits on my revised novella, packed up the house at Cobb, went back to bed before I passed out, got up an hour later, packed up the car, drove the 55 miles back to the other house, unloaded the car, tried to warm up the house by lighting fires in both woodstoves (no heat in this mother...)started the first of three loads of laundry, caught up on email and made dinner...all while wearing flannel jammie bottoms (plaid)two undershirts and a not-so-matching plaid flannel shirt. Yep. Glamour...that's me!
I worked. Tried to explain to my manager why I filed 7.9 days last year under the wrong category type. I got the account right but not the category.

Eventually he decided I'd made a mistake. I told him I'd made a mistake in the first five minutes.

Hey, at least my hair looked good.
See, this is why I don't have kids, LOL. You're a super-mom, Bella.
You're coveting Monica's robe, aren't you, Bella? Let's see... what have I done today? Woke up, breast fed. Fed small chubby boy a bottle, then oatmeal laced heavily with prunes (we're eagerly awaiting the butt wiping stage this morning). He realized it's really fun to blow a raspberry when his mouth is full of oatmeal. I cleaned off my glasses, put him down for a nap, and took care of some chapter related business and read the first 10 pages of a fabulous new Sheik book ;-). Got him up, strapped him in the stroller for a run. Now my nose tells me that not only do I need my post-run shower, but the eagerly anticipated diaper event has indeed happened. Thank God I have no more sex scenes to write for my WIP, as I am ever reminded of the decidedly unsexy consequences of such activity.
Yay prunes. Must be off.

ps - Kate, when you have 102 fever, you're supposed to stay in bed and have someone else make you tea and toast.
I spend much of the day in my grubby, uh, fragrant, post-treadmill outfit of holey gray sweat pants, turquoise Bum tank top, and orange Majestic Way sweatshirt, replete with toothpaste stains. Feet adorned with floppy slippers. UPS and other delivery men I've opened the door to have been known to go into shock. Could it be the fevered, intense look in my eyes or my running around with no bra?

Yes, glamour reigns chez moi when I write.
You know I'm conveting Monica's robed, Jami. That's what inspired my blog! I can just picture myself in it, as we speak. ;-)

Ooohh, a sheikh book. ;-)

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