Sunday, January 15, 2006

My amazing critique partners...or, it takes a village.

I've just finished a novella that needs to go in the mail on Tuesday, but first I sent it to my critique partners. I'm lucky enough to have some amazing talent at my disposal--people who don't automatically hit the delete key when I send an email with an attachement, a subject line that generally reads "HELP" in all caps and a priority tag on the message. I sent my novella to seven people and got six critiques back within twenty-four hours. (The seventh person was in the hospital, only I didn't know it at the time.) Did I say my CPs were goddesses? :-) What is so cool is that every one of them found something different that needed work, and every single comment will make my story better. I remember hearing Hilary Clinton's speech where she said it takes a village to raise a child, and I immediately thought how I could apply that to my own life. It's so easy: It takes a village to write a book, from the online friends we go to for information, to the amazing writers willing to take time from their busy schedules to read and fix mistakes and share ideas. I've written before about the powerful community of authors. It's definitely something powerful and awe-inspiring, and I'm proud to be among such a terrific group of people.

I just wanted to yell, "comma splice"! Cuz I like the way it rolls off my keyboard. LMAO

It's a GREAT story :)

Dakota :) A villager. LOL
Kate, I so hear you. I literally could not write a book without my CP's. From brainstorming to line editing, to making sure that the words coming out of my characters' mouths are theirs and not mine. Good CP's are invaluable - every writer should have some!
yup, love my cp's. just sent them something today, as a matter of fact! am very lucky to have found them.

congrats on getting the novella done, kate. or should i call thee super woman?

;-) bella can call me grumpy old broad. I'm sick and I don't have time to feel the flu. So much for the damned flu shot!
Man, I think a good critque group is critical. Thanks for reminding us, Kate ;)
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