Sunday, January 15, 2006

It's a good day when

I have a day job. Greeting customers with an "Hello, how are you" is a daily activity. Often elderly gentlemen will jokingly reply, "If my name isn’t in the obituaries, it’s a good day."
I’ve always responded with a chuckle at their joke until one day a few years ago.
Secrets had made a deal with Doubleday Book Club. Two volumes of the Secrets anthologies would be printed in hardback. Since I was in Volume 3 and in Volume 5 that meant two hardback Doubleday printings.
Wow. I wasn’t just in paperback, now I was in hardback along with Angela Knight and Mary Janice Davidson. Cool!
I ordered the books. When I received the hardback with Volumes 5 & 6 I was as thrilled as when I’d received Volumes 3 & 4. Eagerly, I tore open the cardboard mailing box and plucked out the book. When you’re in hardback, you're allowed a yahoo.
Secrets prints a section before the story called To My Reader giving the author the opportunity to address the reader. At the end of the story, Secrets prints a short paragraph about the author.
And there it was in print.

About the author:
B.J. McCall lived in Southern California, but recently passed away.

Holy crap! Not a good day!
My publisher had written my obituary and we all know if it’s in print or on the internet, it’s true!!!
Thankfully, this misprint is limited to the Doubleday printing and not the paperback edition. So periodically I pick up the book, flip through the pages to my obit and grin. I've beaten the grim reaper once again.

Hi, BJ. I'm glad to hear the rumors of your demise were greatly exaggerated!
LOL, B.J., you're in distinguished company. Seriously glad you were able to set whoever wrote that straight!

...but, you looked so WELL when we ate at Taco Bell last week...snort! That's a keeper!
they will certainly be worth BIG money one day soon!!!
;-) bella
Yikes, holy cow, LOL.
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