Friday, December 23, 2005

Happy Holidays

At this time of year we Americans continue our annual debate of whether to say Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings or Happy Holidays.
I always thought Seasons Greetings worked best on a painted window and Happy Holidays rolled off the tongue well. Imagine seeing a friend across the street, waving and yelling Seasons Greetings. If I know the person celebrates Christmas, I’ll most likely yell Merry Christmas. I’ve always loved the sound of it.
Saying Merry Christmas makes me think of houses trimmed in colorful lights, trees adorned with ornaments, my dog with a bell on his collar and my husband wearing a Santa hat holding two glasses of champagne.
No matter which greeting you choose, say it from the heart and should you be the recipient of the greeting, accept it in the spirit of the season.
So, to my fellow authors and to all of you who visit our site and read our blog Merry Christmas.
Stay safe, be well and keep love in your heart.

BJ McCall

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