Monday, September 26, 2005

The Internet is Sucking Away my Will to Work

It's currently 2:20 pm. My 4 month old is on his third nap of the day. Since I currently have no outside childcare, it's the only time I have to work. As I haven't received any official revision notes from my editor, my work consists of sending my CP's comments on what they're currently working on. Have I even made an attempt (I'm sorry Bella, but not as sorry as I'd be if I thought your novella actually needed work )? No. So far today I've used my oh so precious baby sleeping time to:

Browse through about 5000 pictures of Sandra Bullock. Why? Because as of last week I officially hate my hair (which hasn't been cut since sometime around April), and there was one scene in Miss Congeniality where she sported a style that I thought might work. I was hoping to print it out for my hairstylist. Of course I can't find anything resembling what I thought I wanted, but I did find several pictures of Sandra Bullock's head photoshopped onto the bodies of naked, giant breasted women.

Visit the site, which I love and will continue to love until the day they trash my books.

Read all about Demi and Ashton's wedding.

Search my mommy's group yahoo list archives for tips on how to get my son to sleep longer during the day in order to produce the aforementioned oh so precious naptime to increase productivity. Or in my case, increase the time I have to dick around on the web and get NOTHING of any value done.

How do you avoid getting overwhelmed by the internet time suck? Especially when spending time on blogs and chatboards can be a great way to promote yourself?

Oooh, I bet I could find a great site all about improving my time management skills...


Demi & Ashton got married?!?! What? How did I miss this? Am I living under a rock? Dish, please
;-) Bella
Yeah dude, they got married on Saturday. Although there is some speculation that Ashton is "punking" us - gosh he's so clever. But Us Weekly doesn't lie! Apparently Bruce Willis was there. Ex spouse at your wedding... is it a DO or a DON'T?
Considering that I read US Weekly and People and Star religiously every week, you'd think I would have known about it. They need to be quicker with those magazines. I mean, I hardly even knew about Renee and that creepy, ugly country guy. Who's creepy.
;-) Bella
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